• My Name is Bernadette

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My Name is Bernadette – By Kathleen Muraca

My children's book is called My Name Is Bernadette. Bernadette is a runt of the litter young cat. She was left under a deck as a kitten and grows up in a person's yard and thinks this is the entire world. Throughout the book, she learns many lessons about trust, bullying, humans, and wisdom. Meeting a very old cat named Jack, she learns how to listen to her gut feelings and to take care of herself in a very big world.

My Name is Bernadette Trailer

"I'm excited to introduce the world to Bernadette!"

Kathleen Muraca

About the Author

Bernadette may be small, but she will learn all kinds of lessons!

She learns how to listen to her gut feelings and to take care of herself in a very big world.

A Problem in Doodleland – By Kathleen Muraca

Inhabitants of a jungle like area called Doodleland discover an important lesson as they try to solve a water problem. What magic will they need to bring back the water flow to their thirsty land?